
Sutton Road, Potton

Scale: 8.4 acres, up to 80 dwellings

Hollins Strategic Land has submitted a planning application for up to 80 units off Sutton Road, Potton, Bedfordshire. It is demonstrable that the release of the site for residential development is wholly justified given the current planning policy vacuum in Central Bedfordshire, the acute shortfall in housing supply and the sustainability of Potton and the proposed development. The settlement boundaries for Potton are out-of-date in that they were based on meeting the housing requirements in the East of England Plan which was revoked in 2013. Accordingly, Paragraph 14 of the Framework is engaged and the application proposals should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development.

Whilst Central Bedfordshire, and consequently Potton’s housing requirement over the next Plan Period has not yet been established, it is anticipated that the overall figure for Central Bedfordshire will be significantly higher than that established in the adopted Plan. This is with regard to both the most up-to-date household projections and the need for Central Bedfordshire to accommodate some of Luton's unmet need.

Potton benefits from a range of local facilities and services and as such is identified in the adopted Plan as a 'Minor Service Centre' and a suitable and sustainable location to accommodate new housing growth. The suitability of Potton as a location for new housing is further bolstered considering its location within the nationally significant growth area of the Cambridge - Milton Keynes - Oxford Corridor and proximity to Sandy train station and the future route of the proposed East-West Rail Link.

The scheme will provide a broad range of market and affordable homes for local people. Whilst the proposals are in outline the development will provide a network of high quality open spaces through the site alongside ecological creation and enhancement measures such as tree planting and retention, pond creation and attractive public pathways.


Sutton Road, Potton - Hollins Strategic Land

Sutton Road, Potton - Hollins Strategic Land